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Font Family

Weekendesk is using only one font: Open Sans.

Download Open Sans on Google Fonts



Name Font-size Line Height
Title XXS 14px 16px
Title XS 16px 24px
Title S 18px 24px
Title M 20px 24px
Title L 24px 32px
Title XL 32px 40px
Title XXL 48px 56px


Name Font-size Line Height
Text XXS 10px 16px
Text XS 12px 16px
Text S 14px 16px
Text M 16px 24px
Text L 18px 24px
Text XL 24px 32px

If you are having trouble with anything in this guide, you are missing brand elements from the brand package, or you are unsure if your communication best represents the Weekendesk brand, please contact the design team at