
This page focus on the initialization and the configuration of the gateway

The plugin by itself is a javascript function returning the gateway, it also contains one property: workers, and one function: configure.


Creating the gateway only require two lines of code:

const nodegate = require('nodegate');
const gateway = nodegate();


This property is an object containing all the built-in workers shipped with Nodegate:

const nodegate = require('nodegate');
const { aggregate } = nodegate.workers;
// or
const aggregate = nodegate.workers.aggregate;

There is different way for importing workers, for more information, see the workers documentation.


This function allow you to configure Nodegate, each call of this function reset the previous ones.

const nodegate = require('nodegate');

  useCors: false,

The argument options is an object, all the parameters are optionnals:

  • payloadSizeLimit: maximum size of the payload authorized by the gateway, defaults to 1mb.
  • useCors: boolean allowing cross origin request, defaults to true.
  • headers: object containing key / value pairs to inject on all requests made by Nodegate, defaults to {}.

The configuration cannot be updated after the creation of the gateway.