
Execute a workflow if a condition is met.

executeIf(condition, workflow)

Execute a workflow if a condition is true.


Argument Type Description
condition function Required. Condition needed to execute the workflow.
workflow array Required. Workflow to execute.
elseWorkflow array Workflow to execute if the condition fails.
  • The condition function receive two arguments: container and request. It must return either true or false,
  • The workflow is simply an array of workers,
  • The elseWorkflow is an array of workers to execute if the condition fails.


In this example, we only want to fetch some data from our API if the weather is sunny:

  method: 'get',
  path: '/:username',
  workflow: [
    aggregate('get', 'https://myapi.com/weather'),
    executeIf(({ body }) => body.weather === 'sun', [
      aggregate('get', 'https://myapi.com/activities'),

The response of the request can be, if sunny:

  "weather": "sun",
  "activities": [

But, if the weather is not sunny:

  "weather": "rain"