Overview of the workers structure and usage.
All workers can be accessed from the top level function of Nodegate or by direclty importing the workers path. Click here to see the complete list of workers.
const nodegate = require('nodegate');
const { aggregate } = nodegate;
// or
const { aggregate } = require('nodegate/workers');
Worker anatomy
Workers bundled with Nodegate are
closures, the
first call allow you to configure the behavior of the worker, the second one will be called by
Nodegate to execute actions and/or modify the container
Let’s see the filter worker in details:
module.exports = (paths) => (container) => {
container.body = pick(container.body, paths);
The first call of the worker is the configuration: you can define the paths to filter from the container. The second call is made by Nodegate to execute it and, for this worker, only set on the body the defined paths values.
On some cases you will be able to just add a simple function to a workflow allowing you to do some operations.