
Wait for a specific request response to continue the workflow.

waitFor(method, url, test)

Execute a request until the test argument function returns true. The test function will receive two arguments:

  • a simplified response of the request,
  • the container.

This worker if generaly used when you are waiting for the existance of an entity after a 202 status code.


Argument Type Description
method string Method of the request.
url string URL to call.
test function Function to execute on each request to test the result.


This workflow will wait for a 200 status code response:

const workflow = [
    response => response.statusCode === 200,
  // ...

This workflow will wait for a response containing the same user firstname as the container’s body:

const workflow = [
    (response, body) => response.user.firstname === body.user.firstname,

The default configuration is:

  "delay": 300,
  "tentatives": 10,